Author Archive for: Chrissanne

Entries by Chrissanne

On Becoming a Leader

What is a Leader? What ingredients are required in the recipe for Leadership?  I recently attended a luncheon in Lakeland in which Marco Rubio spoke (eloquently and passionately – without […]

Shooting Video is Like Learning to Kayak!

I have been watching video experts for a while now. I am by no means an expert, but I am surprised at how easy it is. In this video, I explain why I do what I do as an Internet marketing consultant for offline businesses. The audio is not perfect, there are some elements missing, but I am proud of this production and I wanted to share it with you today. As I create more, I will feel more confident, the camera work will become more professional, the lighting, the audio, everything will improve. But for now, I am thrilled to know that I have been watching the experts long enough to emerge and share my message with you.