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Shooting Video is Like Learning to Kayak!

When I was a junior in college at Florida State University, I took a leave from my classes to live in Costa Rica.  While I was there, I became a white water rafting guide. Since I was fluent in Spanish and English, I quickly found a job and was able to learn from the guides how to read the water, find the lines and I eventually was able to take my own rafts down the Pacuare River.  As I was learning to be a guide, I became an avid “Kayak Watcher”.  On each trip there was a safety kayak that accompanied the rafts, in case anyone fell out of the rafts.  It was awesome to watch how effortlessly these guides performed eskimo rolls, surfed in the waves, and navigated all over the place! I watched these guides for about 8 months, and then I bought my own kayak and was amazed at how easy it was!  I learned how to kayak after watching and listening to the experts. I don’t think it would have been so easy if I had just decided I wanted to learn, without having studied it before.

I have been watching video experts for a while now.  I am by no means an expert, but I am surprised at how easy it is.  In this video, I explain why I do what I do as an Internet marketing consultant for offline businesses. The audio is not perfect, there are some elements missing, but I am proud of this production and I wanted to share it with you today.   As I create more, I will feel more confident, the camera work will become more professional, the lighting, the audio, everything will improve.  But for now, I am thrilled to know that I have been watching the experts long enough to emerge and share my message with you.