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There’s always hype when there’s something good.  But gratitude is more than hype. It’s a reflection. And we can never show enough gratitude to those who make a difference in our lives.  To show appreciation for those who help us “BE.” When we look back and see how much we have accomplished we must celebrate.  But once we have patted ourselves on the back, we must also acknowledge the people who have helped us achieve that success.  Today, I am filled with immense gratitude and the list is long, however, I need to say thank you in a very big way…

If you have ever sent me an encouraging word – via Facebook, text message or email,
If you have ever attended an event that I organized,
If you have ever shared something I have written,
If you have ever given me a hug,
If you have ever told me the truth about something that involved me, or something I was involved in,
If you have ever smiled across the room,
If you have ever sent me a card, or a newspaper clipping,
If you have ever thanked me for a referral, or for making a connection that helped you in some way,
If you have ever just listened to me, let me cry or allowed me to share my doubts, fears or insecurities,
If you have ever forgiven me for anything,
If you have ever complimented me, encouraged me or just shared kind words in my regard…


Thank you


You are the wind in my sails, you give me strength to keep going, doing, believing that there is greatness in the world.  You help me overcome the negativity, the cynics, the haters. You have been part of this journey and I would not be here if it weren’t for you.